Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I think the way radio keeps having to reinvent it self every so often is very interesting. There is the technological side that eventually made it a personal home use option and then the portable with the transistor radio. Also the format part that has has to compete with TV and now satellite radio.

I had never actually heard all of the War of the World broadcast. It was so interesting and amusing to see how they kept saying things like a meteor has landed in NJ and now back to the music. Also I can see how if you were just having the radio on as background noise it could be very alarming to hear all that stuff going on. Also with it being such a new form of entertainment people werent used to anything like that happening without it being real. I think in todays world where once you hear something on the radio or tv you get on the internet to check it out further it wold be easyer to have something like that not produce the same mass hystaria. On the other hand with all the various forms of media and entertainment very few people gather as a family to even watch something on TV.

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